Sunday, August 11, 2013

What Hawaiians Can Teach The Rest of America About Living Better

Hawaii’s tropical island paradise isn’t the fountain of youth, but it’s close. Hawaiians not only live longer -- they’re less stressed and happier than residents of any other state.

Just how much longer are Hawaiians living? A 65-year-old in Hawaii will live another 16.2 years on average, as compared to another 10.6 years in Mississippi, according to recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And in addition to living longer lives, Hawaiians are getting happier as time goes on. For the past four years, Hawaii has taken the top spot in Gallup-Healthways' statewide well-being poll.

So what are the Aloha State’s secrets to happiness and longevity?

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8 Nutrients Every Person Needs To Boost Health

by Karen Foster

IT’S IMPORTANT TO LEARN how to create a balance of protein, carbohydrates and quality fats with each meal. There are eight essential nutrients including protein, iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, B12, iodine and Essential Fatty Acids which are necessary to boost and optimize our health.

A crucial part of any diet, the average RDA for women is 45 grams and for men 55 grams, which you can easily consume in the form of:

Beans, legumes, lentils and peas
Free range eggs
Raw milk, cheese and yogurt.
Nuts and seeds, which benefit from soaking in water or sprouting first
Non-dairy nut and seed milks

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